Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Star Valley Independent

A few years ago, when I completed the Rocky Mountain Slam, I chronicled my adventures for the local paper, The Star Valley Independent. Doing so helped me carry through 4 very tough races (Bighorn, Hardrock, Leadville, and the Bear) in one very long summer-it keeps a person honest when eighty-year-old grannies are checking on your training when you bump into them at the local hardware store. This summer they have asked me to try again as I prepare for the U.S. 100k trail championships (Where's Waldo) and defending my title at the Bear, which only shows that I am a lucky man with an exciting life-or that things are really slow for local media:) Above is an example of my last article I wrote during the Rocky Mountain Slam.


Matt Hart said...

good stuff ty. i wanna tweet this but you don't mention what year and it's cut off the top right hand side of the scanned article.

TD said...

This was from 2006 at the Bear-The last leg of the Rocky Mountain Slam. I'll post my latest article that came out yesterday shortly.

Jeff Browning said...

those grannies can be hardcore.