Being the geeky runner that I am I have a host of sites I like to check on. One of them is Letsrun.com. This helps keep me up to date on the latest news the the world of track & field and distance running. Usually there is little to no information (or love for that matter) from the land of ultras. This morning there was a interesting thread on Geb. vs. Jurek. Obviously too many people have too much time on their hands if this is keeping them up at night but kind of an interesting read. Check it out HERE.
What do you think?
I can't believe you 'made' me read that!! I went from laughing to mad and back to laughing. People just don't get it and that's fine. Those that have run hundreds know and understand what happens, those that don't can only extrapolate and predict what they think will happen.
Ignorance is bliss...on both ends. There are days I wonder who would have time to read such @#$% let alone write it. Everyone is an expert but like we say here in Wyomin' - proof's in the pudding...
Whoah, I just got off an a huge tangent from that link. Something about a dude who eats 30 bananas a day...I think I'll leave it at that.
Regarding the original link, I love Bum. That guy's solid and steadfast in his replies.
Holy S#$%! I can't believe I just read that entire thread. Wow...I'm pretty speechless now. As we know, mountain (or probably any surface) 100s are a completely different SPORT! I believe my marathon p.r. is faster than yours, TD, but obviously your 100s whoop up on mine (although my slowest finish is faster than your slowest! so what if it's Bighorn vs HR). And probably the same you (marathon) vs Browning (100s). Absolutely zero correlation.
Thanks for the link. I think.
I know, I know...not exactly rocket scientists...I feel the same way...its like a bad car wreck. I can't decide if I should look or not. Obviously it is a totally different sport...I'd bet that most of us "plodders" are faster than 90% of the posters on such forums. Hey Sean, great Montrail add.
Interesting read- thanks for posting it. Definitely can't take it too seriously. I got stuck on the 30-bananas tangent, too. And Bum- wow, what a guy. He made me laugh with all his "wrong" replies to everyone.
By the way, any idea what your race schedule is for this year? Just wondering if I can expect to battle it out with you at Logan Peak again this year. And I'm definitely planning on the El vaquero loco 50k.
Right now my schedule is as follows:
Moab Red Hot
Pocatello 50
Devil's Backbone
Maybe a fall 100 if I can find the time/funds
Wow, you guys can all beat me, but if I didn't know better, I would think you were all smoking crack to think Jurek is even in the same galaxy as Geb.
I have watched both run and you would think that Geb would be a slam dunk but there is a lot more going on with running a 100 mile race than "plodding" through the woods. It would be fun to see a super-elite runner train and get after it.
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