Tuesday, March 11, 2008

El Vaquero Loco On!

I met with the rangers from the Greys River Ranger District yesterday. We discussed the vandalism that has taken place and agreed that it wasn't something that a bunch of granola-crunching, trail-nerds would condone or participate in. I will continue to update with more information as it becomes available. I wanted to get up our entry form (or at least attempt to) before I head to Arkansas for some Ozark dirt and fun. Meanwhile, get your training on and get ready for a great, low-key wilderness running experience....Vaquero style. (photo: head of Swift Creek....7 miles to the turn-around.

1 comment:

Eric Taft said...

I love that picture looking down into swift creek, a long ways up from the parking area. Man, I am going to miss the extra garbage in the drop bags this year. I really wanted to lug the car a few miles in and get to smashing, oh well maybe next year. Good luck in Arkansas, say hi to the local yokels for me. Dirt and mud and no snow, I am jealous.